Cosmetology schools give future hairstylists, nail technicians, makeup artists, and similar professionals the tools they need to succeed in the beauty industry. Whether you are interested in a comprehensive program that will allow you to work in a cosmetology field or a more specialized course that will allow you to start a new career in one specific area sooner and at a lower cost, choosing a cosmetology school that offers the program you are interested in and matches your learning style is an important step.

At Rizzieri Aveda School, we prepare students in New Jersey, New York, and the Philadelphia area to pursue a variety of careers, emphasizing creating a more eco-friendly beauty industry.

Cosmetology students studying and practicingtogetherCosmetology students studying and practicingtogether

What You Will Learn

As a cosmetology school student, you will learn the specific tasks you will perform when you become a licensed cosmetologist and the elements of professionalism that will help you succeed at the highest level. Once you learn how to perform services and why these methods are important in a classroom setting, you will have the opportunity to practice these skills in a hands-on environment.

Specific Cosmetology Skills

Honing your skills from the beginning ensures that you will be ready to handle a wide range of services at a high level as soon as you get into the field. Our comprehensive approach gives you a taste of everything that goes into being a great cosmetologist. Some of the skills you will learn include:

You will also develop an in-depth knowledge of the top brands in the cosmetology industry, the specific products they have to offer, and the specific hair or skin types they tend to work well for in order to make informed recommendations for your guests. Creating an at-home routine is essential when it comes to keeping hair and skin healthy and beautiful between salon visits, and you will become your guests’ most trusted resource. Our emphasis on building strong communication skills throughout the program will also help you navigate conversations with your guests and coworkers professionally and with confidence.

Choosing a Cosmetology School

Becoming the best cosmetologist you can be, starts with finding a beauty school that is a perfect fit for you. Taking the time to learn about a school’s teaching style before making a decision is key when it comes to getting an idea of whether its instructors teach in ways that work well for you. Rizzieri Aveda School takes a well-rounded approach that sets students with various learning styles up for success in the industry.

Cosmetology school material and licensing requirements can vary by state, and ours were designed to meet New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania standards. Our most comprehensive 1,200-hour cosmetology program teaches our students all the necessary skills to help guests keep their hair, skin, and nails healthy and beautiful. We also offer several shorter programs to help you hone your skills in a specific area. 

Start Your Cosmetology Career Today

At Rizzieri Aveda School, we look forward to helping you start your cosmetology career. Explore our website to learn more about the programs we have to offer and why our eco-friendly emphasis provides excellent preparation to succeed in the modern beauty industry, then contact us to schedule a tour of our campus or to start your application!



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